years of experience in
derivative market with
over a decade in-house
trading platform

Maxizo is one of the fastest growing trading firm with high standards of risk management techniques which has its own research and development(R&D) team to ensure the best profitable outcomes. Maxizo has the expertise to manage its own fund with fundamental & technical approach in equity & derivative segment by using its own in house trading platform.

Quantitative Approach

Maxizo back test its strategies by applying technical and statistical techniques on historical data F&O (Future & Options data of equity, commodity & currency) since 2008.

Fundamental Approach

Approach is to apply fundamental analysis on Large Cap, Mid Cap and Multi Cap portfolios. With this approach the goal is to make consistent profit every year with low risk appetite and high profit.

Power of Compounding

Maxizo believes that the compounding of money is the eighth wonder of the world.
“Little discipline compounded over the time make a huge difference” - By Albert Einstein

About Maxizo

Believe In Low Risk & High Returns

Maxizo is the fastest growing trading company which has its own research and development(R&D) team to ensure the best profitable outcomes.
We manage our own funds to achieve the best return with minimum loses using the best investment & trading strategies.

Experts in Derivatives Market

Derivatives segment of the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange includes the futures & options in shares & indices.

Manage own funds with Technical Approaches

Maxizo has the expertise to manage own funds with a technical approach for buy, holds and shares.


Maxizo's Global Presence Vision















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